
Exploring The Caregiver’s Advocate: A Must-Read for Dementia Caregivers

Bridgetown Music Therapy on Dementia MapSubmitted by Alexis Baker, MT-BC, CDP
Founder, Owner & Music Therapist
Bridgetown Music Therapy

Music has a remarkable ability to transcend barriers and connect with individuals on a deep emotional level. For people living with dementia, music can be more than just entertainment – it can be a powerful therapeutic tool that enhances quality of life and improves overall well-being.

Below you will learn about The Caregiver’s Advocate: A Complete Guide to Support and Resources, which offers invaluable guidance to caregivers. 

Seeking Ways To Contribute To The Dementia Care Space

As a board-certified music therapist and certified dementia practitioner, I am continually networking and seeking out ways I can contribute to the dementia care space. Whether it be through my business, Bridgetown Music Therapy, or writing, speaking, sharing resources, or making a donation, my desire is to positively impact this space, especially family caregivers.

In late 2023, I connected with Debbie DeMoss Compton, author and founder of The Purple Vine, on LinkedIn. After meeting and getting to know each other, she invited me to join a collaborative book which blossomed into the most beautiful project! Along with 20 other individuals from all walks of life, we co-authored a book for family caregivers, each of us contributing a chapter on various topics.

The Caregiver’s Advocate

The Caregiver’s Advocate: A Complete Guide to Support and Resources offers invaluable guidance to caregivers. This book delivers strategies that have worked for others so caregivers can create a plan, reduce their stress, boost their confidence, and learn that they are not alone on their challenging journeys.

Lead Author Debbie DeMoss Compton

Lead author Debbie DeMoss Compton—who speaks about caregiver and dementia issues from firsthand experience and professional training—assembled a team of experts from the United States, Israel, the UK, and Canada. Each author shares their experience and some of their proven strategies. In addition to Compton, contributing authors were: Karen Hulme Alegi, Alexis Baker, Michelle Briggs, Frank Byrum, Ellen Donovan, Daneika D. Farmer, Brenda Freed, Amy Friesen, Diane Marie Gallant, Kathleen Plummer Gordon, R. Scott Holmes, Kim Kasiah, Cheryl M. Kinney, Michael Lewis, Susan J. Ryan, Nicky Sargant, Dr. Carol Sargent, Veronica Scheers, Rev. Dr. Karen Schuder, and Rena Yudkowsky.

Upon its launch in early July 2024, The Caregiver’s Advocate flew to #1 in multiple categories on Amazon. It earned the title of bestseller in all listed categories. It also hit #1 in Australia and Canada and is a bestseller in the UK. I am so proud of what we’ve accomplished collectively and am honored to be among such an incredible group of humans who made this book possible.

21 Different Perspectives

The Caregiver’s Advocate is unique—it’s not simply one person’s perspective on caregiving but draws from 21 different perspectives. Doctors, nurses, social workers, an elder law attorney, consultants, a memory care expert, a live-in carer, music therapists, and more share so much great information.

Chapters Cover A Wide Range Of Topics Including:

* Safety, bathing, and eating tips

* How to ask for and receive help

* How to protect the elderly from scams

* How to cope when there’s no end in sight

* What a death doula is and how they can help

* Managing awkward conversations

* Creating balance for sustainable care

* How to improve your memory

* How to be their advocate

* Navigating sensory changes with ease

* Managing marriage after stroke & aphasia

* Guardianship

Incorporating Music Into Caregiving

I had the honor of writing a chapter focused on incorporating music into caregiving. It ended up being placed as the first chapter in the book and is titled “Sparking Joy and Connection: Seven Ways to Infuse Music into Dementia Caregiving”. This chapter spotlights the transformative power of music in caregiving. The story of Charlotte and her mother Beverly illustrates how music can create moments of joy and connection even in advanced stages of Alzheimer’s. The strategy section offers readers seven practical ways to incorporate music into daily caregiving: singing, playing instruments, dancing, listening, relaxing, songwriting, and recording musical moments. These activities promote well-being on multiple levels, reduce stress, and enhance the caregiver-care recipient bond. Baker emphasizes that anyone can use music creatively to positively impact the overall caregiving experience.

Readers are encouraged not to shy away from trying something new. Many people can feel intimidated when an approach falls outside their comfort zone. Especially if they don’t consider themself a musician, many caregivers either avoid or don’t even think about trying music-based activities. The chapter can be summarized in several ideas: 1) Every human is musical in some way. 2) Music is like a vitamin. A little bit every day does wonders to nourish the heart, mind, and soul. 3) Music is a gift, so have fun with it!

Heartfelt Insights & Wisdom: A Caregiver’s Support Guide

The Caregiver’s Advocate features real stories and insightful tools that get straight to the business of supporting the people taking care of those in need. From practical tools like music, eldercare planning, and legal knowledge to bathing and navigating vacations and sensory changes, this book will give you the hope, inspiration, and strategies to care and also keep yourself energized, happy, and sane. When caregivers thrive, we bring hope, happiness, health, and dignity to the world instead of burnout. This is a village you’ll be grateful to have at your fingertips for the rest of your life.

Praise for The Caregiver’s Advocate

“This book should be in all primary care offices and available to all children, parents, and any caregiver. Each and every chapter is a wealth of information. I particularly enjoyed the Resources chapter. There is more information than I even knew about!”

– Dr Mariali Garcia MD, FACE

“What a wonderful and inspiring book! This book is a tool we all need in our toolbox, and the sooner, the better!” –

Janet C.

“I smiled, I laughed, and I cried as I read each chapter; I realized I was not alone in the storm that I know is coming.”

– Sam G.


I encourage every caregiver to read this book! Even if you aren’t a caregiver, it’s a valuable resource to learn more about what caregivers go through with all that falls on their plate.

The Caregiver’s Advocate can be purchased on Amazon here.

If you would like to purchase a copy signed by Alexis, click here.

Bridgetown Music Therapy on Dementia MapSubmitted by Alexis Baker, MT-BC, CDP
Founder, Owner & Music Therapist
Bridgetown Music Therapy


About Alexis

Alexis Baker is a board-certified music therapist (MT-BC), certified dementia practitioner (CDP), and founder of Bridgetown Music Therapy. Her mission as a music therapist is to spark joy and improve quality of life through meaningful music engagement. Alexis is passionate about using music to make a difference in the lives of older adults living with dementia and their caregivers.

After years spent serving clients in person as a traveling music therapist, Alexis pivoted her business online in 2020. In response to the Covid-19 pandemic, she and her husband, a professional videographer, decided to collaborate by putting their skills together. They launched a virtual music engagement program that features an extensive video library for members containing hundreds of on-demand therapeutic music sessions. Their dementia-friendly music sessions focus on meaningful engagement through music-based activities such as singing, gentle stretching and movement, deep breathing exercises, and relaxation. Alexis includes an incredible range of genres, styles, and fun themes—there is something for everyone. This program has been described as a game-changer for people with dementia and their caregivers.

In 2017, Alexis founded Bridgetown Music Therapy with the mission to serve individuals and groups in dementia care by sparking joy and improving quality of life through meaningful music engagement!

Visit Bridgetown Music Therapy on Dementia Map or on their website.

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