Giver of Hope

Bringing The Dementia Community Together

Individuals and companies have requested the Alzheimer’s Speaks initiative, “Be a Giver of Hope” be expanded so others can proudly display their support and share resources with their own audiences and followers.

Learn More:

  • Dementia Map is now cobranded with this movement and we’ve made it easy for everyone to download the graphic.
  • People must know there is a huge tribe of people ready, willing, and able to support their dementia journey.
  • Join us and help connect families and professionals to services, products, tools, and so much more.
  • Just pick the appropriate graphic for you. There is one for organizations and companies (WE ARE)  and another for individuals (I AM) that you can download.
  • By sharing the Giver Of Hope project you show others your ability to collaborate to support families and professionals by referring them to great services, products, and tools while raising your own profile.
  • Feel free to add the graphic to your website, and email signature. You can also add to your newsletter, write an article, or do a blog or video post about the project. You can also post on your social media platforms like: Facebook, Instagram, twitter, blue, LinkedIn, Pinterest, TicTok…

Our Goal For Be A Giver Of Hope

Our goal with the Giver Of Hope project is to share a free, simple, and nonintrusive way to connect families and professionals to a wealth of information provided by a variety of people and organizations here on Dementia Map, which they so badly need and deserve to meet their personal situation.

Please contact us with any questions or comments you may have.





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