
Incontinence may be Common, but it is not a Normal Part of Aging

Submitted by Suzi Fox
Regional Sales Manager
TZMO USA Inc. – Seni

Sometimes minor adjustments to a person’s daily routine can have a positive impact related to incontinence challenges.

Incontinence is not just a chronic condition experienced by older adults.  Did you know that there are approximately between 200 million and 423 million people worldwide who are 20 years old and older struggling with incontinence issues today?

Sometimes minor adjustments to a person’s daily routine can have a positive impact related to incontinence challenges. This can also help reduce worry of potentially embarrassing situations from happening. The following factors outlined below can often be related to incontinence.

Could one of these Components Contribute to Incontinence Challenges for You or Your Loved One?


How much caffeine is too much caffeine? Perhaps an individual has been drinking coffee or tea their entire life and has never had any issues, regardless of their caffeine consumption.  However, what if things develop one day for that individual and they notice changes to their bathroom habits? Would cutting back on that extra cup of coffee help to reduce bladder leaks?  Would switching to decaf beverages and reducing caffeine as much as possible help?  Perhaps more hydration with water will make a difference for some individuals.


Yes, it’s true!  Anxiety can be a significant contributing factor to incontinence. Mishaps like missing a scheduled appointment, or stress related to doctor or dental visits, can cause people angst which may result in a person having to use the bathroom repeatedly. Fear and stress unfortunately can lead to a merry-go-round effect that exacerbates situations, thus causing a person to spend an abundance of time in the bathroom.

Credit: Pixabay

Even grief can play a part here as well. Taking time to learn some breathing techniques or meditation strategies may lessen stress, diminish anxiety, and thus reduce incontinence.



Both prescription and over-the-counter medications may have side effects that contribute to incontinence. Prescriptions that are consumed at night may cause both incontinence and sleep issues.  If you or your loved one has recently started taking a new medication and are now no longer sleeping well or waking up frequently to use the bathroom accompanied by bladder leaks, a call to your doctor is warranted.   Your physician may be able to tweak the dosing and provide you with some relief.

Being an advocate in your own healthcare, knowing and understanding your medications, supplements, and other vitamins that you are taking, is critical to understanding when your body is experiencing a change.  When you and your doctors are collaborative in your care, better outcomes are achievable.

Carbonated Drinks

Did you know that carbonated beverages could work against you in terms of incontinence? These include sodas, sparkling apple ciders, champagne, kombucha, sparkling water, etc. Have you considered replacing these for a month or so to see if you notice positive changes?  Eliminating or reducing alcoholic beverages may result in lower risk of incontinence challenges too.

Credit: Pixabay

Sip after 6”

Have you heard this term that is used to encourage hydration but at the appropriate hour of the day? Our bodies will function better when we hydrate upon awakening in the morning and continue to drink water throughout the day. Once the clock strikes 6 PM it is in our best interest to only sip after 6, meaning we should take in only small amounts of fluids.  If we continue to drink glasses of water, versus sips of water at night, we run the risk of getting up more frequently to have to use the bathroom. We then do not allow our bodies to sleep uninterrupted through the night.  Undisturbed nightly sleep provides an abundance of both physical and emotional benefits. If you have ever been around someone who is grumpy for extended periods of time, perhaps it is their lack of being able to obtain optimal nightly sleep which is defined as 7 to 9 hours.

Determine the Depth of the Problem and the Right Solution.

If you find yourself having bladder leaks, it is important to talk with your doctor first.  Should you find yourself needing adult incontinence products, it is important to understand that you will have many choices.  Incontinence products on the market today address all levels of incontinence, from light to moderate, to heavy and even severe incontinence. Someone who has light incontinence may only need a “pad” or a “guard”, two terms that are quite common on packaging.

People that have a moderate level of incontinence may fare better in more absorbent pad-style products or pull-ups.  Wearing the proper style products that fit correctly, while understanding absorbency levels, will help to ensure better outcomes for the user.  Products that are comfortable and fit discreetly under one’s clothing will also help to aid the person using them to feel more confident and dignified.

Super absorbent products are meant to wick moisture away from the skin and lock urine in place, thus reducing odor and leaks.  Wearing incontinence products that are fully breathable will help maintain good skin integrity.

Before purchasing any type of incontinence products, we encourage people to buy products from their local independent pharmacy or home medical supply store as store staff is more likely to be able to provide guidance regarding product choices and benefits.

Quality undisturbed sleep is possible when strategies are learned and implemented.

Unfortunately, when a person develops the common chronic condition of incontinence, not only does it impact them, but quite often, it impacts those around them too.

While many people who are living with Alzheimer’s Disease are affected with incontinence, there are also many people undergoing chemotherapy treatments who are troubled with incontinence too. Younger people with special medical needs may also suffer with these challenges. Some people experience bladder leaks after surgery. Incontinence does not discriminate!

People living with incontinence often need direction, understanding, and an abundance of compassion from those around them.  While education may be valuable to some people who have incontinence, others may not have the ability to understand what is happening to their minds and bodies.  Taking a person-centered approach to the way conversations around incontinence are discussed is important.  Making uncomfortable conversations more comfortable should be the goal!

If someone you know needs solutions or hopes to get questions answered, there is help.  For more information, please visit our Seni website at .


TZMO Seni USA on Dementia MapSuzi Fox
TZMO USA Inc. – Seni

Suzi Fox is a Regional Sales Manager for Seni. She and Seni help people to live healthier, happier lifestyles with less worry.

She believes dignity and confidence are two of the most important gifts we can give to others.

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