One Year of Service!
It’s hard to believe a whole year has passed since launching Dementia Map! We are extremely pleased and proud to celebrate our first year of service! This is a great opportunity to share what’s new SINCE we launched.
We continue to evolve, refine, and add new ways to raise your brand’s visibility with the dementia community. From the Resource Directory to the Events Calendar and everything in between, we are getting great feedback from our members that you’re getting found.
Families and professionals alike are enjoying the easy access to find supportive services, products, tools, and educational events. All of which lift those in need.
That makes us happy and very appreciative that you are part of Dementia Map!
Where We Are
We would like to provide a detailed update on where we are and how we’ve evolved in just a short 12 months. Here’s what we would like to share to help you capitalize on all the benefits that come with your Dementia Map membership:
- Increased Blog Post Publishing Frequency
- New Glossary of Common (And Not-So-Common) Terms
- Expanded Ad Visibility
- Additional Social Media Visibility: Dementia Map Blog
- Share Your Dementia Map Profile From Your Own Site
- Share Dementia Map Flyer
- Thank You For Your Amazing Support
Increased Blog Post Publishing Frequency
We listened to your feedback! There are now more opportunities to expand your exposure and position yourself as a Subject Matter Expert on the Dementia Map Blog. Now everyone can submit blog posts, and paid plan members can submit more often.
If you haven’t yet submitted an article for the Blog, this is a great opportunity to expand your brand’s visibility. Here is how visitors see the summaries of each post when they visit the Blog:

They of course can see the topic, the author, a visual introduction, and with one click they can dig in to your valuable content.
More Frequent Opportunities
Not only do Starter Plan members now have the opportunity to contribute to the Dementia Map Blog, members of both the Featured and Pro Plans can participate more often.
Here’s how it now works:
- Starter Plan: Previously not eligible – now 1 per year
- Pro Plan: Previously 1 per year – now 1 per quarter
- Featured Plan: Previously 1 per quarter – now 1 per month
If you haven’t yet submitted an article for the Dementia Map Blog, now is the time. We welcome articles on any topic in our general categories of Activities, Education, Housing, Media, Products, Support Services, and B2B (Business to Business.)
Visit the Dementia Map Glossary to see if we have a term on which you would like to share more detailed information. Added visibility will be yours when we add a “Learn More…” link to the Glossary term. Visitors who want a deeper dive can discover your article in this way and learn more about you in the process.
Is the perfect term about which you would like to write not part of the Glossary yet? No problem! Just let us know. We’re adding new terms all the time, so we could easily add a term appropriate for your topic!
It is best to create something unique and specifically tailored to the Dementia Map community, but we know you’re busy. You are welcome to use an existing article from your own blog if the topic works well.
Get in touch today to discuss your writing project. We want you “On the Map” so you can share your knowledge with the growing Dementia Map community!
New Glossary of Common (And Not-So-Common) Terms

Dementia Map visitors come to the site for help. Help in terms of valuable products, services, tools, and of course, information. All are extremely helpful.
The Dementia Map Glossary is a growing collection of simple 3-sentence definitions to help visitors “know what they don’t know.” More are being added all the time, and that is where the opportunity exists for our members.
Our intention is to limit all Glossary terms to 3 sentences. Period. It is important to us to deliver direct, straightforward answers. However, we want to make it easy for visitors to dig deeper if they want more detailed and in-depth information.
When you submit an article for the Dementia Map Blog that further discusses one of our Glossary terms, we’ll link to it. This is another strategy we have to boost your exposure even further!
Expanded Ad Visibility
Part of the evolution mentioned earlier is looking for opportunities to expand our members’ visibility with Dementia Map visitors. One change in that regard is expanded visibility for the banner ads in display rotation for our Pro and Featured Plan members.
Banner ads are positioned as “Featured Resources.” We recognize that might confuse members who may have a Pro or “Featured” membership. To be clear, these “Featured Resources” are being “featured” to our community and can include both Pro and Featured Plan members.
Here’s how the expanded ad visibility works:

The sidebar is visible with every page view, showing ad banners for both Featured and Pro Plan members. Previously, we had two ad positions interspersed with upcoming events from the Events Calendar, recent blog posts, and more.
Now, three Featured Resource ad positions are shown, expanding members’ brand awareness with direct links to your website (or your Dementia Map profile, if you wish.)
Glossary Page
As the Glossary Page started coming together, we realized there was a natural way to expand ad banner visibility for our Featured Plan members. The 728×90 header image fits perfectly at the end of each lettered section.

On the surface this may look like a lot of ads crowded together, but as the Glossary continues to expand, they will be spaced apart in a very comfortable manner. As visitors to the Glossary page continues to grow, this has and will continue to significantly expand Featured Member ad visibility.
To assist with creating appropriately sized ad banners, we provide detailed ad specifications in our Dementia Map Member Library to help your graphics designer. If graphics design is not your cup of tea and is holding you back, we offer this service to our members for a flat, minimal fee per ad image. Feel free to get in touch to discuss your project.
Additional Social Media Visibility
Member Spotlight
We are now using a beautiful “Member Spotlight” template to capture the readers’ attention. The template uses the members’ 450×250 ad graphic as the focal point.
Want to use that image on your own website? The next time you see it on any of our social media platforms, download it to your computer! Usually, a simple “Right-Click” and “Save As” will do the trick.
Dementia Map Blog
Each time a Starter Plan member takes advantage of our new practice to allow blog post submissions, your post will be added to the social media library for regular Blog Updates.
Share Your Dementia Map Profile From Your Own Site

From almost the very beginning, many of you have asked about how you can share Dementia Map on your own websites. Thank you!
We created the Share Dementia Map page in the Member Library to give you multiple Dementia Map logo options. Feel free to use either one on your website or social media platforms.
We really appreciate the vote of confidence you’ve shown by simply asking that question!
Simply visit your profile in the Resource Directory and copy the link that appears in your browser. Use that when promoting your participation in the Dementia Map community.
Share Dementia Map Flyer

In addition to the tools shown above to share Dementia Map on the web, we now have a flyer available you can download, email, print, etc. It is also on the Share Dementia Map page in the Member Library. We encourage you to share it with your colleagues, clients, and families.
This is a simple 2-page PDF that provides easy sharing and easy reading.
Our goal is to enable greater access to the wealth of dementia information contained on Dementia Map. It’s growing on a daily basis! Be sure to tell your own community access to this information is completely free, and does not require providing any personal information.
This flyer was actually requested by both families and professionals. They want Dementia Map to get into the hands of family members, support groups, medical professionals, clinics, hospitals, dementia-friendly groups, and more. Please help spread the word about how easy it is to obtain valuable information.
Thank You For Your Amazing Support
In just a little over a year, we have brought a vision to life, made course corrections, amassed a wonderful collection of critical dementia resources, and connected the dementia community with those resources.
We could not have done that without you!
We are incredibly humbled by your trust in us and pledge to keep improving our methods to expand your visibility in the marketplace.
When you have suggestions for us, please reach out. We are very open to hearing your thoughts. After all, we want the best delivery system possible to share Dementia Map resources. Help us do that for you!
With the utmost in gratitude,
Lori La Bey and Dave Wiederrich
We are better together supporting those in need of dementia resources